In honor of this occasion, I give you;
31 Things I Like About Andrew
1. How you’re always teasing or joking.
2. How you stand up for what you believe.
3. You are a “strong man.”
4. You would rather hurt yourself than ask me to lift a finger.
5. Your generosity to others.
6. Your smile.
7. How you sing the high notes to the hymns at church.
8. How you’re a sucker for tickling.
9. Your interests in decorating our home.
10. Your collecting habits.
11. Your purging habits.
12. Your long dark hair. :)
13. How you’re an awesome tennis player and golfer.
14. Your knowledge of how things work.
15. The hand gestures and faces you make while singing.
16. Your ability to back up a trailer.
17. Your confident sense of direction.
18. The love you show to your family.
19. The obsessive way you play games.
20. Your stories from your crazier days.
21. Your willingness to try something for me.
22. Your ability to dream big.
23. Your dedication to pay tithing and save money.
24. Your competitive nature.
25. Your desire to provide.
26. Your willingness to help out.
27. You’re a great Uncle.
28. How I don’t feel safe at night, unless you’re at home.
29. How you change the lyrics of songs to be funny.
30. Your ability to fix things.
31. Your constant quoting of movies and tv shows.
Happy Birthday Honey, I hope its another great year!