saw this on a friend's blog and needed it on mine.
Sorry my dad shot you, but you deserved it. I love you honey!
Sorry my dad shot you, but you deserved it. I love you honey!
1. What is his name? Andrew Weasel Hughes
4. Who is taller? Him, but I'm right up there in my heels.
5. Who is smarter? Andrew, sigh
7. Who does the laundry? me
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the
9. Who pays the bills? Andrew, he's a wizard.
11. What meals do you cook together? When we grill, we both do our part.
13. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? me, every time. Andrew has never started a fight.
14. Who has more siblings? Andrew, by 5
16. What do you like to do together? play tennis, golf, play the wii, talk, watch movies, rough up the dog
18. Guilty pleasures? going out to eat and online shopping
19. How did you meet? Andrew was visiting his Aunt and Uncle in WI in my hometown. His cousin was a good friend of mine. We met as enemies on the tennis court.
20. Who asked out who first? Andrew asked me. We went to Rocky Rocco's Pizza (Andrew's favorite), yum yum.
21. Who kissed who first? Andrew kissed me. It was hot!
22. Who proposed? Andrew, when we were in a boat on Copper Lake.
24. What are his greatest qualities? Loyalty, Honesty, Intelligence, Athleticism, and his sense of humor.
Fun to get to know him a bit.
RACHEL! I love your blog. You're gonna have to teach me some things. fellow blogger. We can be blogging buddies. j/k. It's early in the morning. I'm not well rested. I sound crazy. Love you though!
Don't be fooled by Rachel's distortion of actual events. She doen't even know my real name.
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