Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Dancing Dog

Here he is............ Sir Duke! Or maybe he's the lady, cause Andrew looks like he is in the lead. Duke was seriously embarassed in this sweater. I was trying to get pictures of just him, but he kept following Andrew around, trying to hide. The next morning, I had to call him to come out for breakfast. He tried to "hide" in his dog house and just poke his head out. I feel bad because he seems cold, but I'd rather not "embarass" him, so no more sweater for now.


Colt and Emilee said...

That's Hilarious!! Rachel, I love your posts. They are so funny. Thanks for posting the dancing dog. I like the middle picture. Andrew looks so serious and funny. It cracks me up that wearing the sweater made him embarrassed! Nice post!

Andy said...

I am serious and funny. Both of them at the same time. A dancing dog is no laughing matter, except for the funny part, but the other part is serious.

Mindy said...

What a happy couple!

Kimberly said...

So Funny.