Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We are currently in Marshfield, WI looking for work and enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. Andrew and I have also started to look for a home here and the possibilites are endless. The first day we looked, we spent 6 hours in the car with my poor parents, driving around the city. We drove straight-through from AZ to get here Wednesday, in large part to Andrew's mad driving skills. We have already made it to Rockies Pizza, the most magical pizza place in the world, and enjoyed a slice each. The job search is slow and not going as quickly as we hoped it would. I brought my camera, but forgot my cord to connect it to my computer, so no new pics for awhile. :( I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and I hope Andrew still wants to be my Valentine. I'll know he does if he comments on this post today.... tick tock, tick tock...

1 comment:

Andy said...

I definately want to be your Valentine, everyday of the year.