Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The End of the Birthday Posts

I wanted to go a whole year around and list everyone's birthday. I was surprised to see that I actually started with my sister-in-law, and Andrew's cousin, Tara (aka Slash). So those posts are complete. Andrew and I are finding the days fly by up here in the northern country. We have found a house and have an accepted offer. The home inspection went great today. Hopefully, we will move in before the end of the month.


The Clark's said...

A house! How exciting! Its amazing all the small things you appreciate in a house after living in a Morenci house for a few years. Example: Dishwasher, no rattling windows, a laundry room, and a garage. You'll have to post some pictures!

Family of Five said...

Good luck w/ the house! We have LOVED having a real house! Hope all is well w/ you guys!